Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held in the Vestry, St. John’s Church, Stanwick on Monday 4th December 2023.


Present:         Cllr. B. Ramsay, Chairman

                        Cllr M. Asquith

                        Cllr. J. Tickner

                        Cllr. P. Owen


1.    Apologies for Absence


Apologies received from - Cllr. T. Haggie.

                                                     Cllr. A. Thompson


2.    Declaration of Interest


The Parish Councillors declared that at this point of the meeting, the agenda did not show any requirement for declaration of interest.


3.    Minutes of the Last Meeting


The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


4.    Matters Arising


Reinstatement of the Blue restricted byway sign at the Aldbrough St John end of the Stanwick Track and the other public footpath signs remains outstanding.

The collapsed stone wall near the entrance to Carlton Grange Farm is to be again reported to the Highway Authority.

A new millennium bench and Notice Board, purchased courtesy of Cllr Angus Thompson’s Locality Grant, have now been delivered and will be installed as soon as weather allows.


5.    Reports from other local authorities


Cllr. Thompson provided a copy of his latest report for circulation at the meeting.

This dealt mainly with the new planning applications/developments in the Scotch Corner area and the resulting increase in traffic chaos at Scotch Corner roundabout.   Cllr. Thompson also gave details of The North Yorkshire Local Plan which has to be developed in consultation with Local People.  Anyone with an interest, and who wish to be consulted and have their say on future developments in the next two decades is encouraged to register their details on the portal –



6.    Financial Report


          The Financial Summery was presented to the meeting, approved by Councillors and    

          signed by the Chairman.  

          A grant of £1350.00 has been received from Cllr. Angus Thompson’s Locality Budget.     

          After some discussion, taking into account inflationary pressures and checking the     

          various options with the NYC precept calculator, Councillors decided that a precept of     

          £1650.00 will be required to meet the Parish Councils spending commitments in    

          the 2024/25 financial year.

          The Clerk was instructed to apply for this amount.

          The problem with Barclay’s Bank reclassifying our account to comply with the 

          Government’s money laundering legislation has now been resolved.


7.    Planning Matters


There were two planning applications to consider this period.


(a)  Forcett Park – Erection of 20 holiday chalets

(b)  Stanwick Grange – Rebuild of existing House and construction of previously approved extensions.


At this stage Councillors had no comment to make on either of these applications.                          


8.    Correspondence


(a)  Numerous communications from North Yorkshire Highways advising on road closures and repair work.

(b)  Cllr. Ramsay received assurance from the Highways authority that the present road and bridge into Stanwick will be able to cope with the forecast size and volume of construction traffic.

(c)   Survey on future use of Household recycling centres received from NYC.  Cllr. Ramsay to complete on behalf of the Parish Council.



.         9Any Other Business


              After a false start we have now been informed by Quickline that their 5g Superfast  

              broadband service to Stanwick is now up and running - although their availability    

              post code/property checker remains to be updated.. Since the service is provided  

              line of sight from their mast at Lucy Cross there will inevitably be a small number of  

              properties which cannot access this service


             The meeting was declared closed at 6.30 p.m.


Date and time of next meeting.

Monday 4th March 2024 @ 6.30 p.m. (To be confirmed)


Signed as a correct record ___________________ (Chairman) Date _________________